Tag: Barrel

How To Make A Wine Barrel Dog Bed

How To Make A Wine Barrel Dog Bed A wine barrel dog bed… I had to check this article out and then I just had to share this with you guys! Add a rounded pillow and you’ve got yourself your own DIY dog bed for the cost of an empty wine barrel (yields two fully functioning …

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DIY Rain Barrel for Kids

DIY Rain Barrel for Kids If you want to save money on your water bill, provide your plants with clean water, and teach kids to conserve natural resources then this rain barrel will be perfect for your home! A rain barrel is a way to catch and store rainwater as it flows from the roof. The …

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How to Make a Rain Barrel

How to Make a Rain Barrel Rain barrels collect rainfall and store it, so that it can be used later. There are 3 main components – The roof, the barrel, and the hose. There is not always a roof, barrel, and hose, but those functions will be present in almost every system (collection, storage, and …

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