Tag: Chickens

Backyard Chickens 101

Backyard Chickens 101 Even though the idea of getting fresh eggs from your backyard every morning sounds great, you may have a few concerns about keeping them. Chickens are a great species to start with on the farm – they’re easy to care for, inexpensive, and rewarding. But there are a few really good questions to ask …

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20 Homemade Healthy Treats for Chickens

20 Homemade Healthy Treats for Chickens

20 Homemade Healthy Treats for Chickens Your chickens work hard to provide you a source of eggs and maybe even some meat for food. One way to show your appreciation is make your own homemade healthy treats for chickens. If you have chickens you will know how much they LOVE treats, dried sunflower heads as treats …

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Coconut Oil Suet Cake Recipe for Chickens or Wild Birds

Coconut Oil Suet Cake Recipe for Chickens or Wild Birds Winter is always a bad time for animals, it is the hardest season to find food and a lot of animals die just because they have no food. I found a recipe for coconut suet cakes for chickens but the author says they are great …

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Scratch Sunflower Nut Edible Treat Wreath for Chickens

Scratch Sunflower Nut Edible Treat Wreath for Chickens This step by step tutorial is a homesteading delight for bored chickens in the Winter. You’ll need: Cooking spray Bundt Pan Cool water Knox unflavored gelatin Boiling water Bacon, suet or hamburg grease Mixture of scratch, sunflower seeds, cracked corn, raisins, nuts or seeds Frozen cranberries Ribbon …

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Freezing Herbs for a Winter Treat for your Chickens

Freezing Herbs for a Winter Treat for your Chickens If you have chickens, you’re probably aware of how they can become treasured homestead livestock. You care for them and they provide eggs and eventually meat. You want to make sure your chickens get the best nutrients possible. People firmly believe that by feeding your poultry on …

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