Tag: Clever

7 Clever Root Vegetable Drawers and Bins for the Kitchen

7 Clever Root Vegetable Drawers and Bins for the Kitchen Growing your own food can be very rewarding, especially during the summer months when veggies can be washed, cooked and on the table the very same day they’re picked (nothing fresher than that!). Many of us store foods like potatoes, onions, garlic and ginger root in …

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33 Clever Ways To Refashion Your Clothes

33 Clever Ways To Refashion Your Clothes Do you want to start saving for clothes? But you do not know how to do it! Your old clothes quickly you get bored, and every year you want to replace your wardrobe to new fashion screams … You can modify the old duds to a whole new …

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9 Clever Ways To Naturally Clear Arteries

9 Clever Ways To Naturally Clear Arteries It’s a scary world anyway without being told your arteries are clogged up! So unclogging them is the way forward and obviously the most effective way to reduce your risk of serious heart disease or stroke.This fantastic article over at naturallivingideas.com reveals nine of the best ways to …

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10 Insanely Clever Items Every Woman Must Have In Her Bathroom!

10 Insanely Clever Items Every Woman  Must Have In Her Bathroom! Some, not all…. That’s just my opinion. Catherine over at Butternutrition.com has listed her top 10 items which every natural living women should have in her bathroom right now to make her life easier, simpler and more natural! These items range from everyday household items …

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24 Insanely Clever Space Saving Interiors Will Amaze You

24 Insanely Clever Space Saving Interiors Will Amaze You If you live in small house or apartment, you probably are facing problems with the lack of storage. There is no enough space to store all your stuff!! So, you need to find some clever solution to store all your stuff properly right? Artificially created feeling …

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