How To Use Salt And Smoke To Cure Meat And Fish We need salt as a relish to our food, but it is not essential in the preservation of our meats. The Indians used little or no salt, yet they preserved meat and even fish in abundance by drying. This can be accomplished by fire, …
Tag: Cure
Natural Ways To Cure Foot Odor
Natural Ways To Cure Foot Odor Nobody wants to have stinky feet. It affects the whole personality of that person, who suffers from it. Foot odour is really an embarrassing and awkward problem. Don’t panic!! Foot odor is a very common problem from which many people suffer, irrespective of their age and gender. The causes …
How to Cure Swollen Ankles, Legs, and Feet with Essential Oils
How to Cure Swollen Ankles, Legs, and Feet with Essential Oils Treatment of swelling is possible with essential oils. Essential oils are derived from the herbs and are completely safe to use. If you already have certain health problems, please seek advice from your doctor before trying any treatment. If your lower limbs become swollen …
Neeragaram: Cure for Stomach Burns
Neeragaram: Cure for Stomach Burns Neeragaram has amazing health benefits. Having Neeragaram (palaya sadham) for few days on an empty stomach cures stomach burns. Palaya sadham is also rich in vitamin b12. It is also an amazing body coolant and if you are a person who is out in the hot sun a lot, try …
Cure Throat Pain with Cumin & Palm Candy
Cure Throat Pain with Cumin & Palm Candy Sore throats are usually painful and annoying. They cause discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat and worsens when you swallow. Sore throats are common and can affect people of all ages. Usually soreness is worse in the morning and improves gradually as the day progresses. Generally …