25 Playful DIY Backyard Projects For Kids If given the opportunity, kids would spend a lot of their time outside. If you want to make their outdoor time even more enjoyable then you have got to look through this awesome roundup of playful DIY backyard projects from over at woohome.com. It is really important the …
Tag Archive: DIY
Grass Stain Remover! The Ultimate DIY Laundry Spot Remover
Grass Stain Remover! The Ultimate DIY Laundry Spot Remover So, you’re absolutely fed up with grass stains. Whether it is stains that you got from working in your beautiful garden, or perhaps a stain that your kids happily brought home from digging up ants to join their insect collection. Either way, grass stains can be …
Awesome DIY Bird Houses for A Garden
Awesome DIY Bird Houses for A Garden With the arrival of spring, it means lots of birds will be migrating back! YAY! I want to be prepared for their arrival and by greeting them with gorgeous bird feeders. To get in the groove for spring gardening, i am sharing ideas to make birdhouses! There are beautiful …
21 Amazing DIY Greenhouses With Great Tutorials
21 Amazing DIY Greenhouses With Great Tutorials Having fresh fruits and veggies and being able to enjoy fresh flowers throughout the years makes for a healthier and happier life. However, in most of the country, this is not possible because of the changing seasons and temperate weather. This is where a greenhouse comes in because …
16 DIY Smokehouse Ideas
16 DIY Smokehouse Ideas Thanks to the efforts of the DIY enthusiasts, you can build your own backyard smokehouse with very simple materials and basic skills. It will save you money and give you more flexibility regarding the size and material for the smokehouse. A BBQ smokehouse erected in your own back yard allows you …