Tag: Duty

40+ Amazing Double-Duty Tips For Household Items

40+ Amazing Double-Duty Tips For Household Items Have you ever considered using old wine bottles to keep your boots stiff and upright? Or storing your earrings in a pair on an old button to keep them safe? Well if the answer is no to both of these questions you will love these 40+ ideas for …

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DIY Heavy Duty Fly Trap

DIY Heavy Duty Fly Trap During the warm months, my mission is simple: avoid bug bites whenever possible!! They LOVE me!! When I was a kid, my mom sprayed liberal quantities of OFF bug repellent all over me and it was greasy and smelled gross!! This year we have so many flies hanging around, YUK! …

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40+ Incredible Double-Duty Tips For Household Items

40+ Incredible Double-Duty Tips For Household Items Going to the store is not always something you are interested in doing to solve every problem. So I found this great article on how to solve home problems quickly and easily at simplehouseholdtips.com. Have you ever considered using old wine bottles to keep your boots stiff and …

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40+ Incredible Double-Duty Tips For Household Items

40+ Incredible Double-Duty Tips For Household Items Going to the store is not always something you are interested in doing to solve every problem. So I found this great article on how to solve home problems quickly and easily at simplehouseholdtips.com. Have you ever considered using old wine bottles to keep your boots stiff and …

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