80 Emergency Essentials To Stock Up On You don’t need to be a prepper to prepare! But if the power goes out or you are cut off from aid for some reason, having just a few of these emergency essentials is a really, really good idea. matches, candles and batteries are likely the most obvious …
Tag: Emergency
Build Your Own 5 Gallon Bucket Emergency Kit
Build Your Own 5 Gallon Bucket Emergency Kit Have you ever wondered about emergencies? The simple fact is, many of us aren’t prepared properly, if at all! Building your own emergency kit from scratch is one most satisfying, yet intimidating projects you’ll ever attempt. You’re putting together a kit that could save your life, and …
How To Make Tallow Emergency Candles
How To Make Tallow Emergency Candles Tallow candles don’t sound good to us – a sooty wick burning in animal fat – but for centuries they were a reliable way of having some light after dark. Tallow was once widely used to make moulded candles before wax varieties became available…they’re a cheaper alternative and can …
Canning Water – In Case Of Emergency
Canning Water – In Case Of Emergency Why buy gallons and gallons of water when you can just can your own? If you’re preparing for an emergency, canning water can be your best bet. This great tutorial does not take a lot of work to do. It’s a nearly free process that can have you …
Pet Food for Emergency Preparedness – What to Store and How
Pet Food for Emergency Preparedness – What to Store and How When disaster strikes, the same rules that apply to people apply to pets: Preparation makes all the difference, and if it’s not safe for you, it’s not safe for them. Take a few minutes to make a plan and to assemble an emergency kit for yourself and …
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