Tag: Expensive

33 Ways Spray Paint Can Make Your Stuff Look More Expensive

33 Ways Spray Paint Can Make Your Stuff Look More Expensive Want to give your a home a much needed face-lift but without the expense? Using a can of spray paint the right way will help you to take your inexpensive furniture and make it look like you spent thousands on it. This is also an …

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32 Expensive-looking Cheap DIY Home Upgrades You Can Do in No Time

32 Expensive-looking Cheap DIY Home Upgrades You Can Do in No Time Your home is a place that you want to ensure looks nice and allows you to live as comfortably as possible. You surely see ideas every day, but then upon further inspection, you can see that these upgrades are not in your personal …

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37 Cheap And Easy Ways To Make Your Ikea Stuff Look Expensive

37 Cheap And Easy Ways To Make Your Ikea Stuff Look Expensive I came across an article over at buzzfeed.com by Peggy Wang that talks about getting inexpensive furniture and doing a few quick things to make it look far more expensive. There are so many ways you can ‘hack’ your Ikea purchases and if you want to …

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