Tag: Fat

8 Delicious Ways to Use Bacon Fat

8 Delicious Ways to Use Bacon Fat Bacon grease – especially when it’s not from the cheap bacon – can add a subtle bacon or smoky flavor to dishes that would otherwise be plain Jane. We always had bacon on the weekends and my mom would keep the fat and put in our fridge. My …

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Top 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Top 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat Belly fat, a common problem where the mid-portion comes bulging out. We all hate it because it stops us from wearing skirts or dresses because the belly portion is too evident. Besides exercising, you also need to have a proper diet that includes food to reduce belly fat! Losing this …

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40 Excellent Fat Burning foods

40 Excellent Fat Burning foods It does not sound like it is true but there are actually a lot of foods that can spike your metabolism and trigger those hormones that can help to release fat. So in order to make these foods work you have to consume them as a part of your regular …

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