Cleaning Toothbrushes Naturally for Fresh Breath and Fewer Germs! How often have you thought about that tiny little brush sitting in your bathroom? I mean, we use it daily to clean our teeth. And still, we use the same brush over and over with out a thought. Brushing your teeth is essential in maintaining good oral …
Fresh Basil Hummus With Seasoned Pita Chips
Fresh Basil Hummus With Seasoned Pita Chips I’ve been dreaming about this basil hummus for weeks now. It sort of makes sense, doesn’t it? Like a cross between hummus and pesto. With just a few ingredients this hummus is real easy to whip up. You can then serve with chips, pita wedges, or crackers. And …
Garden Fresh Vegetable Recipes
Garden Fresh Vegetable Recipes Although I don’t exactly have what some people would call a “green thumb,” I do love eating all of the fresh fruits and vegetables grown in the garden each summer. When summer draws to a close, you’ll want to be sure to use all of your fresh garden vegetables! There are …
8 Delicious Recipes for Fresh Strawberries
8 Delicious Recipes for Fresh Strawberries These sweet, juicy berries are treats when right off the plant. Supermarket berries tend to be tart with grainy texture; this is because the natural sugar in the berries begins converting to starch as soon as it is plucked from the plant. It’s definitely worth your while to try …
Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe
Fresh Peach Cobbler Recipe The first time I ever had Peach Cobbler was when I was about 7 years old camping during the summer with my family. We made it in a big dutch oven over the campfire and it was absolutely amazing. Ever since, I’ve been hooked! What you will need: butter, fresh peaches, water, cinnamon, …