Tag: German

Traditional German Schnitzel (Schweineschnitzel)

German Schnitzel

Traditional German Schnitzel (Schweineschnitzel) ” Throughout the pictured recipe steps below, I’m going to share some tips and tricks with you that are important for achieving perfect results – like the kind of Schnitzel you’d get at a German restaurant – so be sure to read. “ The Daring Gourmet Ingredients: boneless pork chops (to …

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Lebkuchen: A German Gingerbread Cookie Recipe

Lebkuchen: A German Gingerbread Cookie Recipe Lebkuchen is similar to a spice cookie or gingerbread and the most famous lebkuchen comes from a town called Nuremberg in central Germany. The glaze provides the perfect complement, a little sweet and with a hint of lemon. All of the flavors blend together so nicely and taste like …

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German Chocolate Cake Cookies

German Chocolate Cake Cookies ” A cookie that will become so addictive you will make them in large quantities and freeze them just to be able to have them for a week or two at a time. Making one of the traditional cakes, German Chocolate cake into a a cookie was one of the best …

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German Cucumber Salad

German Cucumber Salad This German Cucumber Salad is budget-friendly, very easy to make and perfect for a family dinner, party or potluck. It’s is so popular in Germany that they even have a Wikipedia page for it. Known in German as; gurken salat – This German Cucumber Salad is not only real easy to make; its …

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