6 Instant Meals-On-The-Go You can make these instant meals and take them to work for your lunch, camping to save on lugging all your cooking equipment around or just have them stockpiled at home for those “can’t-be-bothered” days. Chicken Veggie CousCous Creamy Alfredo Noodles Curry Chicken Rice Chicken Corn Fiesta Rice Apricot Macadamia CousCous Thai …
Tag: Go
GRAB-N-GO PANCAKE MUFFINS There’s always time for a quick, healthy breakfast with these delicious and fun gluten-free “grab-n-go” pancake muffins! These are a must bake, they taste so good and are really simple to make! Kelly over at thenourishinghome.com has done a guest post for her grab-n-go-pancake muffins on blog.kitchenaid.com where you can find her recipe and …
5 Ways To Go Green Now
5 Ways To Go Green Now “I don’t have enough time” “ I don’t know how” – Excuses, excuses! This is what i hear most days! But what happens is that people get so caught up in their daily lives, it prevents them from taking a step back to see the bigger picture of how …