Tag: Grocery

Tips For Cost Effective Grocery Shopping

Tips For Cost Effective Grocery Shopping A great blog here, some really good information on saving as much as you can. This link is for those who are looking for tips to save money at the grocery store and stretch your food budget further, you can save lots of money grocery shopping if you follow …

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Save Hundreds with These 7 Grocery Apps

Save Hundreds with These 7 Grocery Apps Have you been avoided major grocery store savings because you just don’t have the time or energy to drive around all Sunday pilfering left behind newspaper coupon circulars from local coffee shops? Extreme couponing used to be pretty time consuming, but now, as will all things, there are …

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45 Uses for Plastic Grocery Bags

45 Uses for Plastic Grocery Bags It’s never too late to learn a tip or two about frugality and alternative uses for items clogging up the environment and this article gives just that! Seriously though, what are we supposed to do with all those bags? Bags that multiply quicker than coat hangers! Leftover shopping bags aren’t just …

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