Garlic Olive Oil for Ear Infection Garlic is an excellent alternative to the antibiotic treatments and cure ear infection. Garlic is a herb that belongs to onion family and it is used to prevent or treat many medical problems. Because it is so easy to make, garlic oil is a great natural remedy for beginners. By …
Tag: Infection
Lavender Salt Ear Infection Remedy
Lavender Salt Ear Infection Remedy You can feel quiet lost in trying to find earache relief for that sometimes excruciating but always very aggravating throbbing or stinging ear. Through time some very effective natural treatments have been discovered by natural doctors, scientists, sufferers and concerned parents…. Today we found a related article on how to offer …
14 Powerful Natural Remedies For A Sinus Infection
14 Powerful Natural Remedies For A Sinus Infection Acute sinusitis is often caused by the common cold. However, it could be caused by bacteria, allergies, or a fungal infection. Treatment depending on what’s caused it. In the majority of cases home remedies are suitable treatments. Click below to get these now…. 14 Powerful Natural Remedies …