Tag: Inspired

Fall Decorating Inspired by Pottery Barn

Fall Decorating Inspired by Pottery Barn ‘Fall into Autumn’ using this decorating hack. I love finding decorating inspiration in stores and magazines, only to turn them into DIYs on a budget! It’s hard to justify spending so much money for something so small. I need to find the time to make my own. These decorations …

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Free Minion Inspired Doll+Pillow Patterns

Free Minion Inspired Doll+Pillow Patterns I loved Despicable Me 2! In my humble opinion – so much better than Despicable Me 1. Minions are so cute! Many folks who like our blog have been asking for free crochet patterns. I took some time to quickly search online. There’s a lot of patterns but many are for …

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8 Colorful Pallet-Inspired Furniture Ideas!

8 Colorful Pallet-Inspired Furniture Ideas! So what can one do with used pallets? Actually if you possess a creative mind and a proactive spirit there are a number of things you can do. Recycled wooden pallets often prove to stronger and stiffer because the wood is seasoned already and can be stronger than boards used for …

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