Tag: Irish

29 Baileys Irish Cream Recipes

29 Baileys Irish Cream Recipes Baileys Irish Cream, a premium creamed Irish whiskey made almost exclusively of ingredients straight from the Emerald Isle, is a favorite of bartenders worldwide. At home, we often just pour some Baileys into coffee for after-dinner drinks. But don’t let the barkeeps have all the fun. You can make these …

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Irish Apple Cake

Irish Apple Cake

Irish Apple Cake ” This particular apple cake recipe is mildly spiced with an inner core of thinly sliced tart apples, topped with an crumbly oat streusel. Tradition dictates serving it with some thick cream, or a luscious custard sauce. ” This Irish Apple Cake looks scrumptious. It actually has three parts to this recipe, …

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Grandma’s Irish Soda Bread

Grandma’s Irish Soda Bread Ok, so this is more of a Saint Patrick’s Day recipe BUT I believe you can have this all year round! This recipe is pure perfection. We really do need to make it more often! This recipe calls for; Buttermilk, Eggland’s Best egg, All-Purpose Flour, Granulated Sugar, Baking Soda, Salt, Unsalted …

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Homemade Irish Cream

Homemade Irish Cream If I’m being honest, I don’t always go for cream or milk mixed with my alcohol nut having said that, this is beautiful! This was the easiest liquor that I have made to date. I will no longer be purchasing the expensive bottle of Bailey’s, but instead making it as we need …

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