Tag: Items

30 Pandemic Essential Items to Store

30 Pandemic Essential Items to Store Linda Loosli over at foodstoragemoms.com has created a list 30 Pandemic Essential Items to create in case of an emergency and medical supplies are needed in chance of a pandemic, flu or any other contagious disease. Keeping your family safe and healthy during a pandemic is your main goal and …

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20 Ingenious Ideas To Make Recycled Lamps From Old Items

20 Ingenious Ideas To Make Recycled Lamps From Old Items Every year, when spring cleaning comes around, many of us gather up our old used stuff and simply throw it out. Sometimes, trash is simply trash, but we often fail to realize that a lot of the things that we throw out can be transformed …

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39 Exciting High-Tech Kitchen Items You’ll Love

39 Exciting High-Tech Kitchen Items You’ll Love With the kitchen being a central hub of activity, it’s no surprise that a lot of these advances in home tech revolve around the things we enjoy most — cooking, eating, and spending time with family and friends. This mega list of 39 high-tech kitchen items gives you …

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11 Smart Safety Items Every Home Should Have

11 Smart Safety Items Every Home Should Have Every home should be different, expressing the individuality and personality of the owner in its own way, but I believe there are a few things that every home should have, especially when it comes to safety!!! House fires, power outages, and extreme weather are all real threats …

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14 Prepper Items To Look For At Garage Sales

14 Prepper Items To Look For At Garage Sales One of the most frustrating things about prepping is the cost. There are so many great survival supplies and gadgets out there, but to get everything you want would cost a fortune. If you want to save money, do yourself a favor and go check out …

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