How To Keep Your Fruit And Veggies Fresh Did you know you can freeze items such as; bell peppers, green beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, onions, eggplant, mushrooms, strawberries, blueberries, bananas… and the list goes on! Just make sure you blanch them in hot water before sticking them in below freezing temperatures. Blanching neutralizes bacteria …
Tag: Keep
Organize Your Fridge to Keep Food Fresher & Longer!
Organize Your Fridge to Keep Food Fresher & Longer! If you’ve taken on the daunting task of cleaning out your refrigerator, you should give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back! But once all the expired condiments have been tossed and the shelves wiped clean, what’s the best way to put everything in again? Does …
20 Effective DIY Tricks to Keep Your Home Safe!
20 Effective DIY Tricks to Keep Your Home Safe! Why do people feel they need to broadcast their holiday plans to the entire world? You can make your home a whole lot more secure for little to no money. That’s because most of the best home protection simply involves smart thinking and good habits. Other methods …