Tag: Kids

5 Clever Ways to Save Space in a Small Kids’ Room

5 Clever Ways to Save Space in a Small Kids’ Room Organizing the kids’ rooms can be such a time-consuming task, especially when your kids have more toys than you have storage space. Lucky for you, we’ve found an awesome article to help solve that problem! Space and storage always seems to be an issue …

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Button Snail Craft For Kids

Button Snail Craft For Kids Snails may not be the most fascinating creatures on the planet but they are fun to play with! Here we have a fabulous craft made with just a few items, simple to do for most ages! Materials needed: Buttons, CD, Cardstock Paper, Glue, Pipe Cleaner, Googly Eyes and Black Marker.  I don’t really love to find these …

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Fine Motor Jellyfish Craft for Kids

Fine Motor Jellyfish Craft for Kids Fine motor skills are small muscle movements that are usually coordinated with the eyes. The development of fine motor skills is important because they are used for a number of important functions such as writing and learning to tie a shoe. One of the most important ways we can …

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Pinecone Flower Bouquets (Kids Craft)

Pinecone Flower Bouquets (Kids Craft) Pinecones are always fun to play with as a kid and they can be turned into SO many different things as well! Pine cones can be used for arts, crafts, learning activities, or just for fun! Below you will find a creative way that can be used in a kid …

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The Best Trick For Getting Your Kid’s Ears To Pop While Flying

The Best Trick For Getting Your Kid’s Ears To Pop While Flying Most people have felt the sensation of their ears popping during takeoff and landing on an airplane. For a toddler, though, this sensation can be more than just mildly uncomfortable; it can be painful. Pressure changes in the cabin while the plane ascends …

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