Tag: Knit

30 Minute Arm Knit Infinity Scarf

30 Minute Arm Knit Infinity Scarf YES, this is a serious post! Arm knitting…. who would of thought it?! It’s amazing! When I stumbled upon 30 Minute Infinity Scarf tutorial by Audra from thekurtzcorner.com it made me feel so enthusiastic about this fabulous idea I just have to try it! I’m pretty sure that this is the easiest …

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DIY Waffle Knit Dishcloths

DIY Waffle Knit Dishcloths I never used to quite ‘get it’ when I heard of people knitting dishcloths. Why would one bother? But after way too long of having manky dishcloths make their way into our bin each week, I can finally see the sense behind them. With a good sized stock of them, they …

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How to Finger Knit

How to Finger Knit Children are often keen to learn how to knit or crochet, especially if they see you doing it, but they may find it difficult to manipulate the tools. Finger knitting is a great way to introduce them to these crafts. With a bit of patience and concentration, it is an easy …

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