Tag: Old

10 Colorful Garden Crafts to Make from Old Tires

10 Colorful Garden Crafts to Make from Old Tires Unfortunately, more than 290 million tires are dumped or tossed into landfills each year in North America alone. If only more people completed brilliant recycling projects like these! Whether you have one or one hundred tires, there is always something that you can make with them …

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How To Turn An Old Door Into An Entry Bench

How To Turn An Old Door Into An Entry Bench This DIY entry bench from the Friendly Home is so awesome. I am so excited to share the tutorial with you. What is so clever is that it is recycled from an old door. It saves you time, money, and also saves an old door.  …

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16 New Uses for Old Bed Sheets

16 New Uses for Old Bed Sheets Instead of throwing something away, it is time to reuse it, recycle it, and make it into something new. Old bed sheets may seem like they should be thrown away, but that is thinking inside the box. Instead of tossing them, put them to better use.  It is incredible …

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21 Brilliant DIY Ways of Reusing Old Bike Wheels

21 Brilliant DIY Ways of Reusing Old Bike Wheels You won’t imagine the things you’re able to do with only a bike wheel that’s sitting useless somewhere. Do not let this happen, and get your hands full with work after reading our wonderful recycling ideas. If you have some old bicycle wheels in your yard somewhere, …

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20 Ingenious Ideas To Make Recycled Lamps From Old Items

20 Ingenious Ideas To Make Recycled Lamps From Old Items Every year, when spring cleaning comes around, many of us gather up our old used stuff and simply throw it out. Sometimes, trash is simply trash, but we often fail to realize that a lot of the things that we throw out can be transformed …

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