Awesome Ideas to Repurpose Old Stuff Every year, when spring cleaning comes around, many of us gather up our old used stuff and simply throw it out. Sometimes, trash is simply trash, but we often fail to realize that a lot of the things that we throw out can be transformed into something else that’s …
Tag: Old
How To Make A Rag Rug From Old T-Shirts
How To Make A Rag Rug From Old T-Shirts I love making projects that involve decluttering and upcycling! You only need a few simple tools and materials to make rag rug: old t-shirts, hula hoop or cardboard, scissors, optional but very helpful: rotary cutter and a cutting mat to use with it! Also, make sure you choose colors …
50+ Things to Make From Old Dishes
50+ Things to Make From Old Dishes I’m ready for a clear out again, and I’ve been thinking. Other than my usual charity shop donation, is there something fun to do with old dishes? As it turns out, there’s a lot! If you have some old dishes lying around, there are tons of cool and creative …
7 Old Wives Tales That Turned Out To Be TRUE
7 Old Wives Tales That Turned Out To Be TRUE Growing up, I was told many old wives’ tales by various friends and family members. Most of the old wives’ tales I was told turned out to be false, which is no surprise. My eyes are not permanently crossed from crossing them and making funny …
40 Fantastic Ways To Reuse Old Wooden Pallets
40 Fantastic Ways To Reuse Old Wooden Pallets Wooden pallets are used worldwide for shipping the products and goods we use every single day. Why not acquire one of these versatile wood products and recycle it into something useful that you and your family can enjoy for years to come? These designs are unique, and …