Tag: Planters

DIY Hanging Rain Gutter Planters

DIY Hanging Rain Gutter Planters Many people prefer gardening in the rain gutters because they don’t take much space and either can be hanged or fixed with the walls. These ideas are highly recommended for those people who have limited space in their house but love gardening. Supplies: 10 ft vinyl gutter (but I only used …

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DIY Glow In The Dark Planters

DIY Glow In The Dark Planters It’s seriously lame when I cannot find the original source of the image except someone else who just wrote about it like me here without providing the original link!! There are tons of photos going around social media about Glow In The Dark Planters. I just had to try to …

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CEDAR PLANTERS FOR LESS THAN $20! FREE step by step plans! A nice simple project that you will enjoy making! If you’re a flower enthusiast, you’re going to love these outdoor planters! To make it really posh, why not add your house number to the front of the planter? You can then up your curb appeal …

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