Tag: Preserve

40+ Ways To Preserve Tomatoes

40+ Ways To Preserve Tomatoes It’s that time again – time to drag out the old canner and get started putting up foods for winter. Even if you have never canned a day in your life, we have some great recipes and methods for you to try. Our list of tomato canning methods gives you …

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26 Ways To Preserve Your Kids’ Memories Forever

26 Ways To Preserve Your Kids’ Memories Forever We want nothing more in life than to preserve those beautiful memories with our kids. After a long time of collecting, you’ll find that what you saved is worth more than anything you have ever owned. If a traditional scrapbook isn’t crafty enough for you, consider these super …

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4 Awesome Methods to Preserve Eggs for Later

4 Awesome Methods to Preserve Eggs for Later If you want to plan ahead for some future shortage, and whether you have a couple of extra eggs you’d like to hold on to or dozens of eggs you’d like to preserve, there are several egg preservation methods from which to choose. Eggs are nothing like …

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The Easiest Way to Preserve Herbs

The Easiest Way to Preserve Herbs It is a perfect time not only to enjoy them fresh but also to try preserving them for use later—especially the frost-tender ones, such as basil and pineapple sage, which will be gone with the first nip of frost. Preserving fresh organic herbs is a great way to add …

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