Tag: Repurposing

12 Simple Repurposing Projects That Will Totally Transform Your Kitchen

12 Simple Repurposing Projects That Will Totally Transform Your Kitchen These projects are so simple, anyone can do it! Repurposing is a great way to keep things out of the dump and to give your home a little décor boost. These projects are relatively easy, take little time and best of all, they allow you to …

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20 Repurposing Ideas To Make Good Use Of Old Curtains

20 Repurposing Ideas To Make Good Use Of Old Curtains We often lack repurposing ideas for how to reuse the stuff in our homes, which means more stuff is recycled, or thrown away, instead of being repurposed. Our grandparents had endless repurposing ideas for home fabrics. From quilts to cleaning rags, everything ended up being …

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Repurposing Tree Trunks Or Stumps

Repurposing Tree Trunks Or Stumps So last week I showed you how to get rid of a tree stump, but this will help you transform that old stump or trunk into a creative display that will impress your friends and neighbours. For example, a stump, which is rich in nutrients, can be used as a …

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