How To Keep Your Credit Card Details Safe For Online Transactions Shopping online using credit cards is becoming increasingly popular as it makes life way more simple! But since it’s done so easily it has it’s some consequences too. The main important problem that everyone is facing these days is safety of their financial information. The best …
Tag Archive: Safe
How to Make Clean Mud Recipe (Taste Safe)
How to Make Clean Mud Recipe (Taste Safe) Clean mud is a sensory play material that we hadn’t got around to making until recently, and it’s wonderful if you don’t want the mess (for one day!). So, if you’re looking for ideas beyond the typical playdough, then this is perfect to hold attention and it’s …
How to Create a Safe Room in Your House or Apartment
How to Create a Safe Room in Your House or Apartment Seen the movie Panic Room with Jodi Foster? Ever wanted your own panic room? It provides a bolt hole or a hideaway in your house where you can be secure from a home invasion or from a tornado, hurricane and other natural disasters. The …
3-Ingredient SAFE Puffy Slime Recipe
3-Ingredient SAFE Puffy Slime Recipe “My 12 year old daughter LOVES making slime!! I know there have been problems with kids getting burned by slime made with Borax. My friend told me about a slime recipe she makes that doesn’t use borax, so we gave it a try. I guess making slime is all the …
3 Ingredient Taste Safe Edible Slime Recipe
3 Ingredient Taste Safe Edible Slime Recipe This can be a two ingredient recipe if you don’t use the food coloring – so this activity is simple and awesome!! Most slime recipes are non-toxic, but there are only a few you can eat – this is one of them – so if your little one decides …