Tag: Save

40+ Incredible Websites That Will Save You Tons of Money

40+ Incredible Websites That Will Save You Tons of Money Balancing the family budget can be tough, no matter what your income is. Clipping coupons and pinching pennies may no longer be enough to allow you to pay your bills and still have money left over for fun. Macy over at popsugar.com has scoured every …

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110+ Ways To Save Water

110+ Ways To Save Water Did you know that less than 1% of all the water on Earth can be used by people? The rest is salt water (the kind you find in the ocean) or is permanently frozen and we can’t drink it, wash with it, or use it to water plants. As our …

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31 Things You Can Freeze to Save Time and Money!

31 Things You Can Freeze to Save Time and Money! This is a great list of 31 items that you can freeze including cheese,Tomatoes, this is great to save time, you can make all your food at the begging of the month then freeze them for later, or if you see food and discounted prices buy a …

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Save on Heat with Fire Bricks

Save on Heat with Fire Bricks Ok, so fire bricks are more expensive than regular red bricks, but they do go for less than $5 in most locations. I wouldn’t say it was that bad as it is lowering your fuel and energy consumption…. Fire bricks absorb the heat from the oven, so once your …

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