Tag: Spray

30 Low-Budget Makeovers You Could Do With Spray Paint

30 Low-Budget Makeovers You Could Do With Spray Paint I love spray paint. It has the unique and unbelievably easy ability to transform pretty much any old piece of junk into something fantastic. This round-up is exploding with inspiration! Get inspired to try something new with these amazing ideas that include everything from transforming furniture to …

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33 Ways Spray Paint Can Make Your Stuff Look More Expensive

33 Ways Spray Paint Can Make Your Stuff Look More Expensive Want to give your a home a much needed face-lift but without the expense? Using a can of spray paint the right way will help you to take your inexpensive furniture and make it look like you spent thousands on it. This is also an …

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50+ Amazing Spray Paint Projects

50+ Amazing Spray Paint Projects I love spray paint. It has the unique and unbelievably easy ability to transform pretty much any old piece of junk into something fantastic. This round-up from savedbylovecreations.com as it all – it’s exploding with inspiration! Get inspired to try something new with these amazing ideas that include everything from transforming …

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DIY Hair Detangling Spray

DIY Hair Detangling Spray This DIY hair spray could stop any future battles after bath time in your house, not only is it a great spray that helps you de-tangle your child’s stubborn hair, the whole family can use it as it leaves hair soft, smooth and under control. Fortunately, there’s a natural solution that …

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DIY Sunburn Relief Spray

DIY Sunburn Relief Spray I can not stress enough how dangerous the sun is! Not only the sun but the heat too. My skin is of the “burn-peel-still-white-underneath-repeat” variety. Even with regular sunscreen applications, everyone in our house will likely suffer a few sunburns over the course of the summer. But please try and stay covered, …

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