Tag: Sunburn

5 Natural Sunburn Remedies to Instantly Stop Pain and Prevent Peeling

5 Natural Sunburn Remedies to Instantly Stop Pain and Prevent Peeling Sunburn is totally avoidable but it still affects millions of people every year. To stop the burning, the pain and the peeling that comes later, here are five natural home remedies. Click the link to follow…. 5 Natural Sunburn Remedies to Instantly Stop Pain and …

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DIY Sunburn Relief Spray

DIY Sunburn Relief Spray I can not stress enough how dangerous the sun is! Not only the sun but the heat too. My skin is of the “burn-peel-still-white-underneath-repeat” variety. Even with regular sunscreen applications, everyone in our house will likely suffer a few sunburns over the course of the summer. But please try and stay covered, …

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