Tag: Tea

6 Genius Uses for Tea Bags

6 Genius Uses for Tea Bags You’re still throwing out used tea bags? I can assure you that after reading this you will not throw away a single used tea bag again. Most of us know the healing properties of tea, but not many know that previously used tea bags can be useful in many …

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Make Your Own Tea Bags

Make Your Own Tea Bags It turns out you can make a homemade tea bag without much effort and it’s even kind of fun! What You Will Need – Make Your Own Tea Bags: piece of unbleached muslin piece of cotton string Bead or button If you like different kinds of teas throughout the day, …

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Herbal Bath Salts – Tea Tub Time

Herbal Bath Salts – Tea Tub Time Who doesn’t love a warm, relaxing bath? In the chaotic world we live in, many times, we forget to stop and take care of ourselves. We’re always taking care of other people – our family, our friends, our coworkers – but shouldn’t we take care of the most …

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Maple Dairy-Free Chai Tea Smoothie

Maple Dairy-Free Chai Tea Smoothie The best thing about this chai inspired smoothie? It doesn’t come all sickeningly sweet and sugary like most coffeehouses make them. An all natural chai spiced smoothie, made with no refined or artificial sugars, that also happens to be dairy free, vegan and paleo friendly but most importantly, is all …

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25 Everyday Uses for Tea Tree Oil

25 Everyday Uses for Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil is known for its topical antiseptic and anti-fungal treatment or infection-reducing benefits. It also has antibiotic properties and helps aid against aliments such as skin infections, rashes, burns, dandruff and much more. There are about a dozen or so essential oils that belong in every home including tea tree, peppermint, lavender, clove, …

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