Teaching Kids to Knit When is the right time for a child to start knitting? Well I would say if they are acting interested when they see you knitting and express interest in learning, it’s definitely time, no matter what age they are 2, 3, 4, 5… (though they may still have trouble with coordination). …
Tag: Teaching
31 Clever And Inexpensive Ideas For Teaching Your Child At Home
31 Clever And Inexpensive Ideas For Teaching Your Child At Home Education begins at home, so give your children a helping hand with these ingenious and inexpensive ideas. Easy to recreate and perfectly suited for either home schooling or just a helping hand. Check out this great round-up of ideas for teaching your child at home …
Teaching Kids How to Count
Teaching Kids How to Count Even when your child is a baby you can count fingers and toes while you are bathing them, changing them, or communicating with them. You can also start at this age by introducing fun little counting books. So you see, counting becomes an everyday way of life and you’ll find …
Teaching Kids About Money with Spend Save Give Jars
Teaching Kids About Money with Spend Save Give Jars One day you’ll have to worry about teaching your big kid that money doesn’t grow on trees. But with toddlers and preschoolers, your primary concern is teaching them what exactly money is. You can start when your kids are very young by helping them understand the difference …
Teaching Kids To Stay In Their Own Bed
Teaching Kids To Stay In Their Own Bed Bedtime for the kids means “me time” for Mums and Dads! But learning to stay in bed can take time, and even good sleepers can change their habits overnight. This method is used in the Supernanny show to help families get an uninterrupted evening and a good …