Tag: tolerant

10 Beautiful Drought – Tolerant Plants

10 Beautiful Drought – Tolerant Plants Keeping a garden can seem like an intimidating task. It’s daunting especially for someone who is a beginner! Whether you’re a die-hard water conservationist or you just, well, forget sometimes, there are plenty of advantages to owning plants that don’t need a lot of watering. There are many different …

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Keyhole Gardens: A Drought Tolerant Composting Garden

Keyhole Gardens: A Drought Tolerant Composting Garden The Keyhole Garden concept is brilliantly simple. A circular raised bed has a center compost basket that distributes nutrients to the surrounding lasagna-style garden bed. A keyhole garden works by using the chicken wire to create a compost tube. You will put food or other material to compost in …

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15 Shade tolerant vegetables

15 Shade tolerant vegetables Gardeners should be familiar with the different types of shade, but should also keep in mind that measuring how much shade your garden gets isn’t always easy. Keep in mind that no vegetable will grow in full, dense shade. These 15 vegetables only need 4 hours a day of direct light! Click the …

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