Tag: Toothbrushes

Cleaning Toothbrushes Naturally for Fresh Breath and Fewer Germs!

Cleaning Toothbrushes Naturally for Fresh Breath and Fewer Germs! How often have you thought about that tiny little brush sitting in your bathroom? I mean, we use it daily to clean our teeth. And still, we use the same brush over and over with out a thought. Brushing your teeth is essential in maintaining good oral …

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10 Ways to Repurpose Your Old Toothbrushes

10 Ways to Repurpose Your Old Toothbrushes The principle is that a toothbrush should be changed approximately every three months. Instead of throwing away the old toothbrush can be used for other interesting things. Old tooth brushes are one of my favorite items in my cleaning cupboard. There are endless uses for old toothbrushes in …

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