How to make your own wasp trap for free A DIY wasp trap is very easy and cost effective to make. With a few basic ingredients and a modified soda bottle, you can enjoy your outdoor activities without worrying about pesky wasps!! The down-side of this wasp trap is it also attracts and traps beneficial insects …
Tag: trap
DIY Heavy Duty Fly Trap
DIY Heavy Duty Fly Trap During the warm months, my mission is simple: avoid bug bites whenever possible!! They LOVE me!! When I was a kid, my mom sprayed liberal quantities of OFF bug repellent all over me and it was greasy and smelled gross!! This year we have so many flies hanging around, YUK! …
How to Build a Simple, Humane Mouse Trap Out of an Old Soda Bottle
How to Build a Simple, Humane Mouse Trap Out of an Old Soda Bottle Mice can be annoying pests, and there are many ways to take care of the little rodents using inhumane methods, but it can be hard to get rid of them if you don’t want to hurt them. Thankfully I don’t have a …
How To Make A Simple Homemade Mosquito Trap
How To Make A Simple Homemade Mosquito Trap Summer is great. It would be perfect if there is no mosquitoes. If you are suffering from mosquitoes, this DIY mosquito trap that I stumbled upon on the internet earlier might be a good idea to try. The good thing about this project is that it is …