Easter Bunny Crafts, Activities and Treat Ideas It’s almost Easter and now is the time to start to introduce Easter to kids and toddlers with crafts and activities that they can enjoy. I love this time of year – the sun is burning through the fog more and more and the days are getting longer. I …
25 of the BEST Valentine’s Day Treat & Dessert Ideas
25 of the BEST Valentine’s Day Treat & Dessert Ideas You probably already know your man’s favourite meal (if in doubt, we always go with steak!) but what about dessert? Here are some of the treats you will see: Strawberry Chocolate Chip Cookies Valentine Bear Hug Heart Cookies Valentine Conversation Cheesecake Hearts Valentine Heart Cinnamon …
Scratch Sunflower Nut Edible Treat Wreath for Chickens
Scratch Sunflower Nut Edible Treat Wreath for Chickens This step by step tutorial is a homesteading delight for bored chickens in the Winter. You’ll need: Cooking spray Bundt Pan Cool water Knox unflavored gelatin Boiling water Bacon, suet or hamburg grease Mixture of scratch, sunflower seeds, cracked corn, raisins, nuts or seeds Frozen cranberries Ribbon …
5 Simple Dog Treat Recipes
5 Simple Dog Treat Recipes Instead of buying commercial dog treats, you can make your own so that you can fully tailor the ingredients that go into them. Here are 5 simple dog treat recipes: Frozen pupsicles Chicken wild rice dog treats Mint buckwheat dog biscuits Small batch peanut butter banana dog biscuits Puppy power …
Freezing Herbs for a Winter Treat for your Chickens
Freezing Herbs for a Winter Treat for your Chickens If you have chickens, you’re probably aware of how they can become treasured homestead livestock. You care for them and they provide eggs and eventually meat. You want to make sure your chickens get the best nutrients possible. People firmly believe that by feeding your poultry on …