DIY Paper Doily Christmas Trees Here is cute idea to make Christmas trees with a paper doily. Don’t they look lovely and pretty? They are super easy and fun to make. They will be nice and adorable decoration for your home these holidays. Happy crafting! Supplies you may need: Paper doilies of different diameters ( …
Tag: Trees
13 Trees You Should Never Plant In Your Yard
13 Trees You Should Never Plant In Your Yard For those looking to grow trees or shrubs, the approaching fall means it is almost the perfect time to plant for next season. Cooler air with warm earth gives trees and shrubs a chance to establish good root growth before having to face the heat of …
22 Trees That Can Be Tapped For Sap And Syrup
22 Trees That Can Be Tapped For Sap And Syrup I know that you can’t tap trees right now but this info is great to know if you want to have a way to hydrate yourself when there is no water around also you can use this info if you want to plant some useful …
Growing Fruit Trees From Seeds
Growing Fruit Trees From Seeds When it comes to self-sufficiency, the ability to grow one’s own food isn’t just an asset—it’s a necessity. Fruit trees are invaluable additions to any garden, and can add luscious variety and nutrition to your diet. However, growing fruit tress from seeds does take some effort, planning, and patience! You will find …
Edible Landscaping with Trees
Edible Landscaping with Trees Growing edible trees is a long term proposition. They take up lots of space, but have so many uses, not the least of which is yielding edible fruits and nuts. Today’s fruit varieties are far more versatile and compact than in the past though, so even if you have no garden space …