Tag: Use

50+ Ways to Use Baking Soda

50+ Ways to Use Baking Soda Baking soda, aka sodium bicarbonate, works on a ton of household messes, ranging from personal hygiene to the disaster on the walls of your microwave. Baking soda’s going to be your BFF after you read this post!! We have found more and more uses for this handy powder after it …

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20 Things You Can Use Twice Before Tossing

20 Things You Can Use Twice Before Tossing Somethings you use once and dump, regardless of the life that may be left in it. As a frugal shopper with a concern for the state of our environment, that just won’t do. To cut down on waste, save money, and slow the massive amount of trash …

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25 Stunning Ways to Use Christmas Lights

25 Stunning Ways to Use Christmas Lights Decorating with lights for Christmas is a tradition. How you use those lights however, is entirely up to you. I’ve found a great collection of 25 stunning ways to use string and fairy lights when you’re decorating this Holiday season. I LOVE Christmas and having Christmas lights around the …

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23 Genius Ways To Use An Ice Cube Tray

23 Genius Ways To Use An Ice Cube Tray Are you like our household? We have too many of these laying in our cupboards not being used. Well, I have found 23 reasons to use those extra ice cube trays! BuzzFeed have been so kind to compile a list of 23 genius ways to use …

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12 Brilliant Ways to Use Pumpkins at Your Halloween Party

12 Brilliant Ways to Use Pumpkins at Your Halloween Party Picking out a potential jack-o’-lantern or two from the pumpkin patch, farmers market or grocery store is a time-honored tradition. But if you’re going to spend money on these Halloween decorations, you’ll want to make the most of your investment. In addition to making jack-o’-lanterns …

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