Tag: vegetables

How To Grow Vegetables In Five Gallon Buckets

How To Grow Vegetables In Five Gallon Buckets The use of five gallon buckets for container gardening is a great option for anyone who wants to have a solution for sustainable living. Many people do not have the property to have a farm with chickens or other animals as a source of food, let alone …

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11 Secrets To Properly Freezing Fruits & Vegetables

11 Secrets To Properly Freezing Fruits & Vegetables Buying items when they are in season and freezing them will save on your groceries when those foods are no longer growing. With this fantastic post you’ll find out everything from how to prepare your food for the freezer to how to store it properly. Gabrielle over at …

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27 Of The Most Delicious Things You Can Do To Vegetables

27 Of The Most Delicious Things You Can Do To Vegetables I LOVE my veggies, so when it comes to articles like this I have to share! People come up with some awesome ideas with food and to me making delicious things with veggies is even better! You need to shake it up a bit and …

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Simple Instructions for Water Bath Canning Fruits & Vegetables

Simple Instructions for Water Bath Canning Fruits & Vegetables Water bath canning is the process most people use to can fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, and pickles at home. Unfortunately, the canners rarely come with directions, and the instructions in many canning books can be complicated and hard to follow. Home canning is a safe, economical way …

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15 best vegetables that grow well in a container or pot

15 best vegetables that grow well in a container or pot With spring and summer often comes the desire to plant things. If you are someone who enjoys growing and preserving your own food but you’re also someone who just doesn’t have the outdoor garden space that you need, we’ve got a great solution….. Expert gardening …

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