Tapping Birch: Collecting birch sap for mineral water, wine, beer, vinegar and syrup In this article Fergus Drennan (author) will show you how to collect birch-sap easily and quickly. Around March time the sap rises throughout the tree’s in preparation to spring into life producing their buds and leaves. Birch Sap is a slightly sweet, watery & …
Do You Have Enough Water Storage To Survive?
Do You Have Enough Water Storage To Survive? First off, water is without question the #1 top-priority for survival preparedness. In the U.S., water is a resource which we’ve been babied with for so long that we fail to realize how significant it is for keeping us clean, hydrated, and alive on a day-to-day basis. …
How to Convert Water into Fuel
How to Convert Water into Fuel Let me just say it is NOT possible to drive completely with water – not yet anyway! You will still need fuel. BUT, with the water being converted to hydrogen and fed into the engine’s air intake, your vehicle will get more miles per gallon (or kilometers per liter) …
110+ Ways To Save Water
110+ Ways To Save Water Did you know that less than 1% of all the water on Earth can be used by people? The rest is salt water (the kind you find in the ocean) or is permanently frozen and we can’t drink it, wash with it, or use it to water plants. As our …
14 Off-Grid Projects to Cut Your Energy and Water Usage
14 Off-Grid Projects to Cut Your Energy and Water Usage Living off-grid is pretty much every preppers dream. I know it has been my dream for ever and having the ability to not rely on the government or big corporations for power, food and water is just around the corner for everyone if they put …