20 Gorgeous DIY Window Flower Box Planters To Beautify Your Home Even though the inconsistent weather has put a temporary halt on our front door project – I refuse to stop thinking about bright and cheery, flower filled, outdoor projects for spring… and this week I’m thinking about window box planters. While many catalog window …
Tag: Window
DIY Window Privacy Frame
DIY Window Privacy Frame First of all, there is no law stating that you have to cover your windows. But if your view is less than enchanting or you just need privacy, there are options beyond curtains or dull blinds. Seriously, how easy is this project? Something so simple can look so elegant! I love this …
Puffy Paint Window Decorations
Puffy Paint Window Decorations Holidays are near and if you find your window glass bland and boring then it is the time to dress it up. You can achieve a fantastic effect with the use of just puffy paint. You can make snowflakes and Christmas ornaments easily with tubes of puffy paint by making them …
DIY Organizer from Old Window
DIY Organizer from Old Window I am so tired of writing and rewriting my to do lists everyday and then what do I do? Misplace them (GRRR)…. And then there’s my darling husband reminding me of the same things everyday but yet he forgets his jobs too! This project would be awesome as an organizer …
DIY Window Paint Recipe
DIY Window Paint Recipe It is a cold, rainy day and your children are impatient and bored with their old toys. What is a fun activity that is easy to make and can be cleaned up quickly? Window paint. This is the perfect craft to teach your children how to think outside the box and …