Tag: Wipes

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaning Wipes

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaning Wipes Homemade cleaning wipes are easy to make, economical, and contain only those cleaning agents you select. Use them in the kitchen, the bathroom, or for cleaning windows. Jody over at A Sip Of Southern Sunshine has done a great guest post – Make sure you also check out her other articles too! …

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Homemade Organic Baby Wipes You Can Make In 5 Minutes!

Homemade Organic Baby Wipes You Can Make In 5 Minutes! Ever checked the ingredients on your baby wipes? Yeah, I hadn’t either. The Cosmetics Database gives you a complete list and a hazard rating of the different brands of wipes. Making homemade baby wipes takes just a few minutes of work and saves loads of money. …

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DIY Turmeric Antiseptic Wipes

DIY Turmeric Antiseptic Wipes In the East, Turmeric is widely known for its medicinal properties due to it’s active ingredient curcumin and has been used in India for more than 2500 years, first as dye and then as a natural remedy for a multitude of ailments. Also, it might be one of the most under-estimated herbs/spices …

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