Teaching Kids About Money with Spend Save Give Jars

Teaching Kids About Money with

Spend Save Give Jars

Image credit: infarrantlycreative.net

Image credit: infarrantlycreative.net

One day you’ll have to worry about teaching your big kid that money doesn’t grow on trees. But with toddlers and preschoolers, your primary concern is teaching them what exactly money is. You can start when your kids are very young by helping them understand the difference between needs and wants, that money comes from working, what money looks like, and that everybody has a job. Chores are also a good way to talk about how to earn money and save it to get what you want. Teaching children about giving to others who are less fortunate or are in need is also a pleasant thing to do….

So what are you going to need for this great project? Check it out here:

3 tall quilted crystal jelly jars
Mini Display Box with 3 Shelves
Folk Art Home Decor Chalk (2 colors)
damp rag
Paint Brush
1.5” ball knobs
Wood Glue
Jar Lid insert Bank Slot
Silhouette machine “Spend, Save and Give” file

For more information on how to make your own spend, save, give jars – click the link below and head to infarrantlycreative.net:

Teaching Kids About Money with Spend Save Give Jars