The Easiest DIY Automatic Chicken Waterer You’ll Ever Make

The Easiest DIY Automatic Chicken

Waterer You’ll Ever Make

SMcGarnigle via Flickr

SMcGarnigle via Flickr

You know how much I love a good DIY project. Especially around the homestead. I have started thinking about making our own chicken waterer and feeder, the thought did occur to me to make my own tutorial for you. But there are so many great ideas out there, I thought this time I’d feature this one from

This would be a great system if your hens are trashing their watering dish daily! It will stop your hens from stepping in it or using it as a bathroom! Maat came up with this simple, do it yourself watering system that cost $ to make and install. Check out all of the details here:

The Easiest DIY Automatic Chicken Waterer You’ll Ever Make