Tie-Dyed Hair Tips

Tie-Dyed Hair Tips

photo credit to Lauren Conrad

photo credit to Lauren Conrad

Dip-dyed hair is a trend amongst celebrities and fashion folk, dying the ends of your hair will create an ombre look. Lauren Conrad (fashion designer) started this fashion of rainbow tipped hair and, well, it’s kind of fab! She dipped her blonde locks in an array of Kool-Aid (Kool-Aid packets can be used as a temporary hair colour) and as you can see from the photo, ranging from pink and purple to blue it looks gorgeous! 


What you’ll need: Hair bleach, developer, gloves, brush, foil, dye

{Color Brilliance Powder Lightener, $3; Sensitive Scalp Ion Developer, $2; Manic Panic Hair Dye, $9;Hair Dye Brush, $1}

photo credit to glitterinc

photo credit to thebeautydepartment

Now you have everything you need, hop over to glitterinc.com to complete the look and get the directions you need! Click the link below….

Tie-Dyed Hair Tips