Tips To Prepare Your Livestock For Winter

Tips To Prepare Your Livestock For Winter

photo credit to momprepares

photo credit to momprepares

Winter livestock have different needs when it comes to their care and feeding. For the most part, preparation falls into four different categories: food, heat, water, and lighting supply. For each of these categories, the author of the guide offers helpful tips that highlight the essential livestock needs that have to be considered during the winter months. Here are some extra pointers:

  • Water containers –  If possible use the flexible rubber bowls or buckets in the winter. These are easier to get ice out of without breaking the container. Ceramic bowls will crack in cold weather. Plastic buckets may become brittle too.
  • Dry Bedding –  Cleaning out old damp bedding and replacing it with dry shavings and straw will help insulate and keep the animals dry and comfortable
  • Block the wind –  If the storm will blow snow and rain into a stall or chicken coop, set up some type of temporary wind block.

You may live in an area that is used to severe winter weather but some of the country will be taken unaware this week. With a few preparations you can help your animals be cozy and comfortable while you wait for more normal temperatures to return. Learn more here over at by clicking the link below….

Tips To Prepare Your Livestock For Winter