Toddler Tips for Healing Eczema Breakouts

Toddler Tips for Healing Eczema Breakouts

NIAID via Flickr

NIAID via Flickr

Eczema is a common skin condition affecting ten to twenty per cent of children. The exact cause of eczema is not known. However if there is a history of eczema, asthma or hay fever in the family, your child is more likely to develop one of these conditions. Unfortunately there is no cure for eczema, although there are many ways to keep it under control. Signs and symptoms:

  • Babies usually have a red, dry rash on their face. The rash is sometimes on their scalp, behind their ears, on their body and arms and legs. The rash is very itchy.
  • In toddlers and older children, the rash is often in the skin creases around the knees, wrists, elbows and ankles.
  • Eczema can involve any part of the surface of the skin and in some children the rash can cover the entire body.

You will notice that at times your child’s skin is well controlled and at other times it gets worse. It is common for the severity of the eczema to fluctuate, which is why it is important to manage the eczema effectively and control it as soon as it flares up. Key points to remember about eczema:

  • Remove scabs as soon as possible.
  • Keep your child cool at all times.
  • Eczema makes skin dry and easily irritated.
  • The severity of the rash varies from day to day.
  • Keep your child away from things that irritate their skin.
  • There is no cure for eczema but it can be well controlled.
  • Use moisturizer regularly, from top to toe.
  • If your child’s eczema gets worse and doesn’t improve in a few days, see your doctor.
  • Children with eczema need to be immunized, in the same way as all children.
  • Ask your doctor to complete an eczema treatment plan for your child.

Remember to go to your doctor if you are concerned about your child’s health!! Hop over to this awesome article from via the link below for some key information…

Toddler Tips for Healing Eczema Breakouts