Tomato Cage Christmas Decorations

Tomato Cage Christmas Decorations



Let me say that these are ridiculously easy to make and can last years if properly taken care of. Plus, they cost a fraction of what you’d pay to buy them pre-made. One of the easiest ways to make your own Christmas tree is to use things from the garden, like a tomato cage. You can find tomato cages very easily in any kind of home improvement stores or places such as Walmart and Target (although they may be in seasonal aisles). They range from anywhere from 3 to 6 feet or more, and they are less than 4 dollars!

If you like to make Christmas trees along with the decorations that go on them pop on over to the blog The Keeper of Cherrios for a great collection of tomato cage Christmas tree ideas. Not only are there trees there are also snowmen and angels. I can’t wait to try some of these this year.

Tomato Cage Christmas Decorations