How To Treat Bird Mites Naturally

How To Treat Bird Mites Naturally

Even the best of breeders can have issues when they are used to having a normally healthy and happy flock. You get comfortable in not doing your weekly check-ups, and then, something like this happens and can affect so many others. While their life cycle is only 5-7 days, each mite can lay more than 100,000 eggs during that time, so treatment must be repeated and ongoing to completely eradicate them.

If your birds’ combs and wattles are looking pale and dull, if your birds are always scratching at their ears, shaking their heads a lot or if you see mites, lice or nits on your birds, you may have a real issue. Generally speaking, topical applications of natural agents are most effective for treating mites as these options eliminate the cause of mites and cleanse the skin. Check out this artcile below to get a good idea of what to do.

How To Treat Bird Mites Naturally