Unusual Uses For Your Pantry Items

Unusual Uses For Your Pantry Items

photo credit to ecosalon.com

photo credit to ecosalon.com

The more and more I read about the dangers of household cleaning chemicals, the more I am interested in making my own. It is so incredibly simple to make everyday household cleaners out of common items found in your pantry! So here is a massive treat for you guys! You are basically getting 180 handy uses for 9 items you already have in your pantry! Are you looking to simplify your life? Save money? Use less chemicals around the house? You pretty much have all of these items in your pantry right now and there are literally hundreds of surprising and unusual alternative uses for things like – olive oil, wine, salt, garlic, coffee, lemon juice, baking soda, vinegar and honey.

Why wouldn’t you use something that is environmentally friendly? Why wouldn’t you like an inexpensive approach? Don’t run to the store; use one of these instead! This awesome round – up has been done over at ecosalon.com, click the link to follow….

Unusual Uses For Your Pantry Items