Using Eggs For Hair Growth, Dry Hair & Hair Loss

Using Eggs For Hair Growth, Dry Hair & Hair Loss


Eggs are wonder-foods as they are rich in protein, vitamins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants. These nutrients can repair various hair problems and give you silky and shiny locks.

Tip – Never use hot water in any homemade hair mask with eggs as it will cook the eggs and leave tiny cooked bits of egg in your hair, which is totally gross and smelly, not to mention a PAIN to get rid of.

Tip – Many people find that the egg smell still lingers on in their hair even after through rinsing. Add few drops of lemon or any citrus fruit to one cup of water. And use this as a final rinse – job done! Check out these three recipes from via the link below:

Using Eggs For Hair Growth, Dry Hair & Hair Loss